
Showing posts from February 4, 2018

EXTRA free gift during Sale A Bration with Stampin Up!

Many of you know about Sale A Bration that goes on every year for Stampin Up. On top of these freebies, I as a new demonstrator are offering one more. This is for a limited time only and is for my customers, hosts, and new demonstrators that sign up under me. Please click here to get quickest access to the deal! In short, for customers that purchase $100.00 or more in Stampin' Up product, you can also add a free Stampin' Blends pen of your choice! This would be on top of your two free Sale A Bration stamp sets! For hostesses that gather orders or place their own that total over 200.00, I will let you pick out two of the Stampin' Blends pens of your choice for free! For new demonstrators that sign up, you can also choose two pens of your choice, and the cost is only $99.00 for all that you get for free already, which is a lot!! You don't even pay for shipping and handling when you join. I am doing this for a limited time, kind of like a grand opening celeb...

I finally made the Stampin Up Plunge! That, and my Rubber Stamping Story

Good afternoon. Last night I finally signed up with Stampin Up! I have been with Stampin Up in some form or fashion, off and on, for over 21 years. After much deliberation, and I mean much..... I have decided to go ahead and become a hobby demonstrator for Stampin Up! They made it easy in at least one aspect for me, but there are probably more reasons. During Sale-a-bration this year, we could sign up and get some amazing deals. My reason though goes deeper than this. I have found that in the face pace of life, there is this one curious thing has remained very static throughout. That is, sending cards to people online or paper cards through the mail. Seriously, no matter how bad or crazy or tiring life can be at times, that "duty" or desire never seems to go away. People spend a lot of time or money sending sentiments of all kinds to all kinds of people in their lives. Isn't this a curious thought? I thought so. Merge that with another observation that I...